Nursing Blogs

view of a hospital ward

What are the safety measures in hospital?

Nursing Blogs

What is Safety? Hospital safety refers to the set of measures, procedures, and protocols aimed at ensuring patients’ well-being and safety within a healthcare setting. It is an essential aspect of healthcare delivery that requires collective responsibility, from administrative executives to medical professionals and supporting staff. The concept of hospital safety has evolved significantly over

decubitus ulcer of a limb

Preventing and Treating Decubitus Ulcers

Nursing Blogs

What is decubitus ulcer? Decubitus ulcers, also known as pressure ulcers or bedsores, are a type of injury that affects areas of the skin and underlying tissue. These injuries are a result of prolonged pressure on the skin, most often occurring in individuals who are bedridden or unable to move for extended periods. The primary

Gordon's functional health patterns

A Comprehensive Guide to Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns

Nursing Blogs

Introduction to Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns To stay healthy and lead a fulfilling life, it is crucial to assess and understand our overall well-being. This is where Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns come into play. These patterns provide a comprehensive framework for assessing an individual’s health and identifying areas of improvement. This article will delve into

a technician operating the medical equipment

Unlocking the Power of Healthcare Technology

Nursing Blogs

1. What is health care technology? Healthcare technology refers to the use of devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures, and systems developed to solve health problems and improve quality of life. This field is driven by technology to enhance healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. From electronic health records and telemedicine to mobile health applications, artificial intelligence, and

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