Leadership and Management- NCLEX Practice Test-3


Professional Standards in Nursing - NCLEX-RN Practice Test

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Leadership and Management

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1. A key aspect of ______ in healthcare is the coordination of comprehensive patient care.

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2. Which type of leadership style entails making decisions without seeking input from others?

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3. An example of effective time management is ______ tasks based on priority.

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4. Autocratic leaders encourage team participation in decision-making processes.

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5. The term “magnet status” in healthcare refers to:

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6. Which of the following is true about laissez-faire leadership?

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7. Nurse managers should use ______ power to build trust and respect within their teams.

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8. Effective time management for a nurse manager includes:

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9. One fundamental component of transformational leadership is ______.

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10. Which of the following is a disadvantage of a bureaucratic leadership style?

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11. Which leadership theory focuses on the relationship between leaders and followers?

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12. The ______ leadership style involves making decisions without consulting others.

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13. A critical aspect of strategic planning in healthcare includes:

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14. Which of the following is an essential skill for a nurse leader?

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15. Delegation is the process of transferring ______ to another qualified individual.

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16. Autocratic leaders often make decisions without team input.

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17. The process of ______ involves evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within an organization.

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18. In project management, the term “milestone” refers to:

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19. The goal of ______ is to compare an organization’s performance against best practices.

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20. In the context of zero-based budgeting, every expenditure must be substantiated for each successive budgetary period.

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